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Program Goals

The M.Ed. learning goals specify competencies that provide a foundation for graduates.

Successful graduates of the program should be able to:


Ensure the Availability of Appropriate Curricula for Learners by:

  • Setting learning goals and objectives for the classroom
  • Identifying the instructional needs of individual learners based on their developmental profile and personal contexts
  • Selecting, adapting and/or creating curricular materials that meet the instructional needs of individual learners
  • Understanding the impact of assessment on curriculum and its relationship to curriculum design


Create an Effective Learning Environment by:

  • Arranging the classroom in ways that meet regulatory requirements, support instruction, and promote individual and collaborative learning
  • Establishing a welcoming learning environment that embraces diversity, collaboration, mutual respect and personal responsibility and integrates technology to enhance teaching and learning


Employ Instructional Approaches That Support Learning by:

  • Creating plans that guide instructional decisions
  • Selecting instructional activities and materials that enable learners to meet the established instructional goals
  • Employing instructional approaches that foster a learner’s critical thinking, global awareness, and communication and self-management skills
  • Structuring opportunities for student-directed inquiry and the exploration of interdisciplinary connections
  • Utilizing instructional technology to create authentic learning opportunities and enhance teaching and learning
  • Ensuring exposure to real world questions and issues that offer perspectives beyond the learner’s local experiences


Assess and Provide Feedback on Learner Growth and Development by:

  • Identifying appropriate measures for assessing learning
  • Administering standardized and teacher-designed formative and summative assessments appropriate to the learner and the instructional purpose
  • Monitoring the learner’s progress against external and teacher-set objectively-established metrics
  • Fostering student self-reflection and self-assessment
  • Using assessment results to plan future instruction
  • Providing effective feedback to students, and using feedback to modify teaching and learning activities


Engage in Continuing Professional Development by:

  • Reflecting on the impact of their professional actions on learners, the school, their colleagues, and others in the community of interests
  • Seeking opportunities to advance their professional knowledge and skills to better meet learner needs
  • Engaging in classroom-based research to improve curricular and instructional decision making