Program Goals
Within the context of each, students are provided with the opportunity to acquire relevant skills and knowledge.
The program has three overarching goals:
1. Provides an understanding of the social and biological causes of health and illness.
- Explain human anatomy and physiology
- Categorize the most commons forms of morbidity (i.e., illness or other health disability), their prevalence, causes and treatments
- Read, analyze and interpret health data
- Characterize the social and behavioral determinants of physical health
- Describe the microbiological and molecular bases of human disease and its transmission
- Place human development in context
- Gain a holistic view of the determinants of mental health and psychopathology (B.S. level)
2. Covers the knowledge and skills needed to perform effectively within the context of disease prevention and the promotion of health.
- Understand the principles of goal setting and of monitoring, mentoring and motivating patients, in particular, and communities, in general
- Identify and analyze health problems and challenges and opportunities in their communities and formulate recommendations for courses of action
- Utilize team building skills to lead and/or co‐lead collaborative projects to accomplish group goals (B.S. level)
- Apply the basic principles of organizational theory to the relationship between health care and health (B.S. level)
3. Develops an understanding of the role of policy, ethics and resources in the management of prevention programming and health service delivery.
- Demonstrate how health policies can leave a lasting effect on society and how some portions of society may be differentially affected
- Design ways to overcome stigma related to health conditions
- Analyze ethical issues encountered in fostering disease prevention and the promotion of health as they can affect individuals as well as communities (B.S. level)
- Formulate responses to ethical and legal concerns relating to health service provision as well as health and medical research (B.S. level)
[Note: The Associate of Science degree level has many goals in common with the Bachelor of Science degree level. This reflects the fact that students at the Associate’s level complete the same Year 1 and Year 2 program requirements. Because students at the Bachelor’s level then complete additional requirements in the major, they are expected to achieve these goals at a higher developmental level.]