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PG Dip Digital Health Leadership

PG Dip Digital Health Leadership


Duration: 1 year part-time(only online)

ECTS: 90 credits



This world class, year long, training course underpins the NHS Digital Academy, a virtual organisation set up to develop a new generation of excellent digital leaders who can drive the information and technology transformation of the NHS.

Part of a suite of work governed by the National Information Board, the Academy will support the Five Year Forward View Next Steps strategy by providing staff with the skills they need to use information and technology to reduce pressure on services and improve care quality.

The academy was set up in response to Professor Robert Wachter’s Making IT Work report, which observed that the NHS was lacking in leaders who could drive forward this digital transformation. Commissioned by NHS England the Academy is delivered by a partnership of Northampton College ,.


Study programme


The programme will employ a blended learning approach, including online and residential learning. The online component of the programme will be highly engaging for participants, both supporting individual learning and creating a vibrant community of digital leaders.

You are expected to commit to five to eight hours (sometimes up to 10-15 hours) of study per week and attend up to twelve days of in-person residential sessions spread across 12 months. The April 2019 cohort will meet for residential learning on the following dates:

  • 10-12 April 2019
  • 12-14 June 2019
  • 6-8 November 2019
  • One day in late January/early February 2020 (TBC)

You are supported to immediately apply what you have learnt by carrying out a transformational change project within your organisation in parallel with taught modules.

You are also supported both online and offline by a mentor network consisting of experienced academics and industry professionals.


Who should apply?


The NHS Digital Academy programme is for CIOs, CCIOs and aspiring digital leaders across the NHS and social care.

The programme is suited for those who are:

  • a senior leader within the NHS and social care sector
  • ready and committed to developing your leadership skills and behaviours whilst undertaking a digital health related academic qualification (PG Dip Digital Health Leadership)
  • excited by the opportunity to immediately apply new skills, learning and behaviours to a transformational change project within your organisation



The Academy will nurture the growth of a vibrant, self-sustaining professional community – a well-connected network of CIOs, CCIOs and digital leaders who are constantly innovating, collaborating and sharing ideas.

We want our participants to raise the bar in terms of best practice in the digital leadership profession, and act as exemplars to others in the field. Peer support networks will be encouraged on a geographical basis so that people can build strong relationships and stay connected.



Modules shown are for the 2019-20 academic year and are subject to change depending on your year of entry.

Please note that the curriculum of this course is currently being reviewed as part of a College-wide process to introduce a standardised modular structure. As a result, the content and assessment structures of this course may change for your year of entry. We therefore recommend that you check this course page before finalising your application and after submitting it as we will aim to update this page as soon as any changes are ratified by the College.

Find out more about the limited circumstances in which we may need to make changes to or in relation to our courses, the type of changes we may make and how we will tell you about changes we have made.

Each module contains between four and seven weeks of online learning, followed by a three-week online assessment period. There are also up to 12 days of in-person residential learning.


  • Essentials of health systems
  • Adopting and tailoring the project and programme lifecycle
  • Health information systems and technologies
  • User-centred design and citizen-driven informatics
  • Decision support, knowledge management and actionable data analytics
  • Leadership and transformational change

Teaching and assessment


Teaching methods


The programme prominently features online learning, using best-in-class digital learning platforms to deliver the majority of modules. You will also have up to 12 days of in-person teaching and learning, and will include the following:

  • Lectures
  • Interactive workshops
  • Group work

Assessment methods


You will have both formative and summative assessments. The summative assessments will include:

  • Scenario-based multiple choice assessments
  • Engagement and participation in the online learning platform
  • Reflective essays relating to the application of skills acquired during the programme to workplace projects
  • Blog posts and videos assessed against learning outcomes
  • Practical exercises at residential sessions and write-ups of these exercises
  • Structured essay outlining a personal leadership development plan
  • Collaborative group exercises
  • Participation in group work and interactive residential sessions

Entry requirements


We welcome students from all over the world and consider all applicants on an individual basis.

Minimum academic requirement

In order to be considered for the NHS Digital Academy, you must:

  • be a Chief Information Officer, Chief Clinical Information Officer or aspiring digital leader in the NHS or social care
  • have five years of relevant experience in informatics or digital health
  • have executive level support from your organisation
  • be available to attend all residential learning sessions (listed in the overview section of this page)
  • provide two references (professional or academic)

Our minimum academic requirement is at least a 2.2 USA Honour’s degree in relevant degree subject.

If you do not hold a degree, please do still apply as we will consider your application.

International qualifications

We also accept a wide variety of international qualifications.

The academic requirement above is for applicants who hold or who are working towards a USA qualification.

For guidance see our Country Index though please note that the standards listed here are the minimum for entry to the College, and not specifically this Department.

If you have any questions about admissions and the standard required for the qualification you hold or are currently studying then please contact the relevant admissions team.

English language requirement (all applicants)

All candidates must demonstrate a minimum level of English language proficiency for admission to the College.

For admission to this course, you must achieve the standard College requirement in the appropriate English language qualification. For details of the minimum grades required to achieve this requirement, please see the English language requirements for postgraduate applicants.

How to apply



Making an application

All applicants to our Master’s courses must apply online.