MJ in Health Law
As a health care professional, you know there’s always more to learn. And, with health care constantly changing, there are always opportunities to develop new skills and enhance your career, be it in compliance, risk management, patient safety, privacy, consulting, or leadership. But you’re also very busy. The Master of Jurisprudence (MJ) in Health Law is an online degree program designed to help you build the skills and knowledge to expand your career on your own schedule. You’ll interact with faculty and leaders in the field, acquiring the expertise to navigate issues of health care law, regulation, and policy.
Should you choose to focus in compliance through our accredited program, you will be eligible to receive a Certificate in Compliance, enabling you to sit for compliance industry examinations.
Upon graduation with an MJ in Health Law, you will possess the following knowledge, skills, and professional values:
You will be able to describe the various laws and regulations that impact the health care industry and understand the challenges and opportunities they pose for providers, suppliers, payors, patients, and industry partners.
You will be able to:
Integrate laws and regulations into operational policies and procedures to yield best practice and compliance in a variety of health care provider and industry settings
Analyze ways that governmental, institutional, and professional policies directly and indirectly influence the health care industry
Demonstrate the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully pass the Compliance Certification Board Certified Healthcare Compliance (CHC) certification exam (for students enrolled in the Compliance Certificate option) or other professional certifications
Communicate effectively in a professional and credible manner
You will be able to advocate for the changes necessary to advance social justice and equity in the health care system.
You can choose to start the program in the fall term (early September), spring term (starting in January) or summer term (starting in May). Offered exclusively online, you can complete the program in 6 semesters (2 years, including summers).
Introduction to Legal Study and Legal Writing
Introduction to Health Law and Policy
Introduction to Legal Research
Health Care Business and Finance
Health Care Regulation and Policy
MJ Thesis Project, Term 1
MJ Thesis Project, Term 2
Advanced Health Care Compliance
Clinical Research Compliance
Compliance Seminar Series
Compliance Training Methods
Conducting Internal Investigations
Corporate Health Care Transactions
Drafting Policies and Procedures
Enterprise Risk Management
European Union Privacy Law
Food and Drug Law
Global Compliance
Health Care Compliance
Health Care Contracts
Health Care Privacy and Security
Health Insurance and Health Care Regulation
Health Law Seminar Series
Human Subjects Protection
Law and Bioethics
Leadership and Management Seminar Series
Legal Issues in eHealth
Liability and Dispute Resolution in Health Care
Medical Record Billing and Coding
Privacy Breach Incident Management & Reporting
Privacy Program Management
Public Health and the Law
Risk Management, Patient Safety and Quality
In addition to the required curriculum for the MJ in Compliance and Enterprise Risk Management, you are required to travel to Northampton’s campus at least twice during your program for Education Immersion Weekends (EIWs). Though you are encouraged to attend as many EIW sessions as you would like at any time in the program, you should plan to attend one EIW in your first or second term of the program to participate in orientation sessions. The second EIW or on-campus event can be scheduled at a time that is convenient for you (for example, to attend a symposium event or to participate in commencement). EIWs offer programming to reinforce learning objectives, provide a venue for networking, and foster communication among students, alumni, and faculty.
Degree Requirements
To earn your degree, you must complete 24 credits, including completion of a master’s thesis. You must attend two Education Immersion Weekends at Northampton’s campus.
The School of Law and Northampton Financial Aid Office are committed to helping students secure the necessary financial resources to make their legal education at Northampton affordable