A legal education without borders
IN A GLOBAL ECONOMY, legal practice in all areas extends beyond national borders. In business and tax practice, legal concerns are inherently international. International considerations affect every area of law, from criminal law to estate planning to child and family issues. In your legal studies, your increased ability to respond to the challenges of an international legal environment can only enhance your career.
The school’s curriculum, in and abroad, continually expands and deepens to respond to developing areas of professional interest to includes courses in international trade, dispute resolution, and the rule of law. Electives focus on important issues such as human rights, access to medicine, and issues of war, peace, and terrorism.
To earn a JD Certificate in International Law and Practice, you must complete 14 credit hours, including two required courses and several electives, with an average grade of B or better. At least 11 hours must be graded credits.
You must complete two of the following three courses.
International Business Transactions
International Law and Practice
International Trade Law
Employment in the Gig Economy
Family and Fundamental Rights
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Global Access to Medicine
Global Compliance
Human Rights in the Global Economy
Human Trafficking Seminar
Immigration Law
Immigration Law Practicum
Information Technology and Human Rights
International Arbitration Public & Private
International Commercial Arbitration and the CISG
International Environmental Law
International Human Rights
International Law Colloquium
International Tax Law
Introduction To The English Legal Profession
Introduction to Chinese Law
Military Law
Prosecuting and Defending Terrorism Cases
After completion of all requirements, you must complete an application for the Certificate in International Law and Practice. Submit your completed application to Professor Margaret Moses for signature. You must submit your signed application form to the Law School Registrar’s Office.