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Course Overview



Civil engineering is all about our environment. Civil engineers design, build and maintain our roads, railways, airports, dams, hospitals, schools and sports stadiums. They also design water supply systems and flood protection schemes. They keep our infrastructure working effectively and adapt it to meet challenges like population growth or climate change.

Civil Engineering is concerned with creative use of engineering principles and science to shape and improve our lives and our environment.

The work of the Civil Engineer centres on sustainable design for the built and natural environment, both onshore and offshore.

If you are interested in making lasting, positive improvements to society, in sustainable design for the protection of the natural environment on land or at sea, in improving the quality of life for millions of people using novel building techniques and materials, then Civil Engineering is the career choice for you.

The interdisciplinary content of our curriculum and focus on practical applications and value to industry and society provide our students with the necessary intellectual and transferrable skills for a career in a number of industries.

Our teaching is supported by our excellent workshop and laboratories, with state-of-the-art equipment, including some of Scotland’s very best hydraulic equipment.

LEARNING MODE On Campus Learning
DURATION 48 months

Compulsory Courses

Principles of Electronics (NT1008) – 15 Credit Points
CAD and Communication in Engineering Practice (NT1010) – 15 Credit Points
Fundamentals of Engineering Materials (NT1012) – 15 Credit Points
Engineering Mathematics 1 (NT1504) – 15 Credit Points
Fundamental Engineering Mechanics (NT1510) – 15 Credit Points
Professional Skills Part 1 (NT1001)

Optional Courses

Select a further 45 credit points from courses of choice.

Compulsory Courses

Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (NT2004) – 15 Credit Points
Process Engineering (NT2011) – 15 Credit Points
Engineering Mathematics 2 (NT2012) – 15 Credit Points
Solids and Structures (NT2502) – 15 Credit Points
Design and Computing in Engineering Practice (NT2501) – 15 Credit Points
Electrical and Mechanical Systems (NT2503) – 15 Credit Points

Optional Courses

Select a further 30 credit points from courses of choice.

Compulsory Courses

Geotechnics 1 (NT3027) – 15 Credit Points
Engineering Analysis and Methods 1 (NT3007) – 15 Credit Points
Stress Analysis A (NT3015) – 15 Credit Points
Fluid Mechanics (NT3019) – 15 Credit Points
Mechanics of Structures (NT3518) – 15 Credit Points
Design of Structural Elements (NT3519) – 15 Credit Points
Structural Dynamics A (NT3538) – 10 Credit Points
Civil Engineering Design and Surveying (NT3720) – 10 Credit Points
Project and Safety Management (NT3599) – 10 Credit Points

There are three core courses of study in 4th year. Students then pick from two options when it comes to choosing choices.

Compulsory Courses

Geotechnics 2 (NT40) – 10 Credit Points
Civil Engineering Hydraulics (NT40) – 10 Credit Points
Advanced Structural Design (NT40) – 10 Credit Points

Optional Courses

Select one of the following options:

Option 1

  • Individual Project Abroad (BEng) (NT4011)
  • Select a further 30 credit points from courses of choice in the first-half session.

Option 2

  • BEng Individual Project (NT4014)
  • Group Design Project (BEng) (NT4578)
  • Select a further 30 credit points from courses of choice.
BEng Individual Project (NT4014) – 30 Credit Points
Engineering Project Abroad (BEng) (NT4011) – 60 Credit Points
Group Design Project (BEng) (NT4578) – 15 Credit Points
What You'll Study

The first two years cover general Engineering, with elements of Chemical, Mechanical, Petroleum and Electrical/Electronics, as well as Civil. In the later years you specialise, following your chosen discipline in greater depth. You do not need to finalise your choice of specialisation until you begin third year.

It is possible to move between MEng and BEng and this can be accomplished at any point until the second half session of fourth year. Successful BEng candidates will be offered the chance to change to the MEng and there is no quota, meaning that if grade requirements are met that transfer is guaranteed.

Assessment Methods

Students are assessed by any combination of three assessment methods:

  • coursework such as essays and reports completed throughout the course;
  • practical assessments of the skills and competencies learnt on the course; and
  • written examinations at the end of each course.

The exact mix of these methods differs between subject areas, year of study and individual courses.

Honours projects are typically assessed on the basis of a written dissertation.

Why Study Engineering (Civil)?
  • Teaching is supported by an excellent workshop and laboratories with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment. Civil Engineering at Northampton has one of the best hydraulic laboratory facilities in Scotland associated with a high level research profile.
  • Benefit from: delivery of excellent teaching, working on projects associated with the real world, established strong industrial links that provide industry-focused teaching and projects.
  • The interdisciplinary content of our curriculum and focus on practical applications and value to industry and society provide our students with the necessary intellectual and transferable skills and an appreciation of ethical issues.
  • The first two years of our engineering programmes cover general engineering. This means you develop vital knowledge in all engineering areas.
  • The School has produced thousands of world-class graduates over the decades, many who have progressed into Managing Director and Chief Executive roles in the oil and gas and wider energy industries.
  • Across a number of our programmes, we work closely with colleagues across geology, chemistry and business disciplines to ensure the teaching is fit-for purpose.
  • We are well connected with local, national and international industry, particularly in the oil/gas/energy industry where you get the chance to experience real-life industry challenges and projects, through guest lectures, company visits and networking events.
  • Our degrees have been accredited by the relevant professional engineering institutions, providing you with your first step into becoming a chartered engineer. Undergraduate Engineers intending to follow a professional engineering career should consider student membership of the appropriate Engineering Institution.
  • Our award winning Society of Petroleum Engineers Student Chapter is one of the 230 student chapters around the world. We build strong relationships with members and non-members alike, and help you gain insight into the oil and gas industry.
  • TAU Racing was established in 2007 by a group of undergraduate engineers of various disciplines. The team’s goal each year is to design and build a single seat racing car to compete at Silverstone.
  • Hands-on experience of laboratory experiments and of industry-standard software is used to enhance your learning. 
  • Opportunities exist for industry sponsored scholarships and bursaries, final year individual projects undertaken with industry, and study abroad opportunities.



Civil Engineering graduates are sought after in a wide variety of industries and business sectors. Civil Engineering graduates work in civil and structural companies, working on site, in design offices, project management, buildings and environmental engineering. Civil Engineers function very well in both onshore civil engineering sectors as well as the oil and gas energy sectors. In addition, as with any other discipline within our School, graduates benefit from processing skills in logical analysis, problem solving, management and communication which allow them to find employment outside the civil engineering discipline.

Many graduate jobs are open to students studying any subject area.

  • Assistant Structural Engineer
  • Graduate Civil Engineer
  • Graduate Riser Engineer
  • Graduate Structural Engineer
  • Offshore Structural Engineer
  • Trainee Field Engineer

Entry requirements


QA Highers

Standard: ABBB (Mathematics and Physics or Engineering Science required*)
Applicants who achieve the Standard entry requirements over S4 and S5 will be made either an unconditional or conditional offer of admission.

Minimum: BBB (Good performance required in Mathematics and Physics*)
Applicants who achieve our Minimum entry requirements over S4 and S5 are encouraged to apply and will be considered. Good performance in additional Highers / Advanced Highers maybe required in order to receive an offer of admission.

Adjusted: BB (Good performance required in Mathematics*)
Applicants who meet one or more of our Widening Participation criteria and who achieve good performance in Maths and one other subject may be made an adjusted offer of entry. Good performance in additional Highers / Advanced Highers maybe required in order to receive an offer of admission.

* These subjects can be either held at the time of application or be achieved during the appropriate admissions cycle.


Standard: BBB (Good performance required in Mathematics, plus at least one from Physics, Design & Technology, Engineering or Chemistry). Applicants who are predicted to achieve the Standard entry requirements are encouraged to apply and may be made an offer of admission.

Minimum: BBC (Good performance required in Mathematics, plus at least one from Physics, Design & Technology, Engineering or Chemistry). Applicants who are predicted to achieve the Minimum entry requirements are encouraged to apply and will be considered.

Adjusted: BB (Good performance required in Mathematics)
Applicants who meet one or more Widening Participation criteria and who are predicted to achieve a good performance in Mathematics and one other subject may be made an Adjusted offer of entry.


Please note: for entry to Chemical and Petroleum Engineering an SQA Higher or GCE A Level or equivalent qualification in Chemistry is required for entry to year 1, in addition to the general Engineering requirements.

English Language Requirements

English Language Requirements

To study for an Undergraduate degree at the University of Northampton University it is essential that you can speak, understand, read, and write English fluently. The minimum requirements for this degree are as follows:


IELTS Academic:

OVERALL – 6.0 with: Listening – 5.5; Reading – 5.5; Speaking – 5.5; Writing – 6.0


OVERALL – 78 with: Listening – 17; Reading – 18; Speaking – 20; Writing – 21

PTE Academic:

OVERALL – 54 with: Listening – 51; Reading – 51; Speaking – 51; Writing – 54

Cambridge English Advanced & Proficiency:

OVERALL – 169 with: Listening – 162; Reading – 162; Speaking – 162; Writing – 169

How to apply


This programm by online learning has start dates in September and January of each academic year. 

We recommend that you apply as early as possible; this is particularly important for applicants who may need to allow sufficient time to take an English language test


Documentation required

Applications are made online via the University Application Service, EUCLID.

Please follow the instructions carefully and make sure that you have included the following documentation with your application:

  • Degree certificates showing award of degree.
  • Previous academic transcripts for all past degree programmes.
  • A reference in support or your application. The reference should be academic and dated no earlier than one year from the start of study on the LLM programme.
  • Evidence of English language proficiency, if required.

If you are currently studying for your degree or you are not in a possession of an English test result you may still apply to the programme. Please note that it is your responsibility to submit the necessary documents.

After you apply

After your application has been submitted you will be able to track its progress through the University’s applicant hub.

Application processing times will vary however the admissions team will endeavour to process your application within four to six weeks of submission. Please note that missing documentation will delay the application process.

You will be informed as soon as possible of the decision taken. Three outcomes are possible:

  • You may be offered a place unconditionally
  • You may be offered a conditional place, which means that you must fulfil certain conditions that will be specified in the offer letter. Where a conditional offer is made, it is your responsibility to inform the College Postgraduate Office when you have fulfilled the requirements set out.
  • Your application may be unsuccessful. If your application has not been successful, you can request feedback from us or refer to our guidance for unsuccessful applicants, which explains some of the common reasons we why we reach this decision.
    View the University’s guidance for unsuccessful applicants
Terms and conditions of admissions
  • The University’s terms and conditions form part of your contract with the University, and you should read them, and our data protection policy, carefully before applying.

    Northampton University admissions terms and conditions