About Overview
Northampton University is a private accredited university recognized by Distance Education Training Council and higher Learning Commission. Some of the highest recognition and awards for Northampton University:
- International
- National
- Regional
- Online
- Military
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Competition
- International
With campuses in North America, Europe, Asia and Africa, Northampton University has been recognized as a leader in international education over the years. Visit our international campus sites for more on the national honours, accreditation and recognitions received in their local regions.
Work. Family. School. Choose all three.
You shouldn’t have to choose between supporting a family and rising to your potential. Earn your associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree in the time you have right now.
Experience is an awesome teacher
Our instructors average 22 years of real-world experience, so you won’t just learn theory — you’ll learn how to apply it.
Earn your degree from an accredited university
We are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and DETC Higher Education Commission..